Coolworld is proud to announce that THE ULTRA MUSIC FESTIVAL has once again been nominated by the International Dancestar music awards as the best event in America! Thanks to all of you ULTRA continues to grow and becomes better and better every year. We’d like to thank DanceStar USA for their nomination of The Ultra Music Festival and Coolworld, Dvox and the entire Ultra team would like to thank everyone that has helped to make ULTRA what it is today.

All of you dance & music faithfuls that believe in Ultra, have the opportunity to become involved and show your support for Ultra by voting in the best event category for ULTRA on the Dancestar website To Vote go to Dancestar and vote for Ultra as America's best event! Note: Best Event is Category 16. You don't have to vote for the other categories if you con't want to, but you can if you like. With your dedicated support ULTRA can win this year's nomination! Voting is logged once all categories have been viewed and you have submitted your email address. The DanceStar Awards presentation takes place on Wednesday, March 19, during the Winter Music Conference in Miami. Ultra 5 takes place again on Saturday March 22nd, 2003 and this year is going to be the best Ultra to date...for more info on this year's ultra click here